
Conscious Sedation

Are you afraid to visit the dentist? Have you had a bad treatment experience in the past? Do you have sensitive teeth? If your worries have caused you to put off dental work, there’s an easier way.
Snow Dental Care offers a comforting option—conscious sedation—that could be the ideal way to calm your fears.
Conscious sedation is:
Snow Dental Care offers a comforting option—conscious sedation—that could be the ideal way to calm your fears.
- easy—on the day of your appointment, you simply take a pill and have a friend or family member drive you to and from your appointment.
- safe—it has been used safely for millions of procedures for over 30 years.
- painless—no needles are used.
- effective—patients report feeling no discomfort during or after their procedure, and often have little or no memory of their visit.
- convenient—many patients who choose conscious sedation can complete more dental work in fewer appointments—reducing the need for multiple visits.
Dr. Snow would be happy to explain how conscious sedation works and to evaluate how you might benefit from its soothing relaxation. Many patients who have chosen conscious sedation say they have gained new feelings of confidence and peace of mind in maintaining their healthy smile.
When you choose this option, the experienced team at Snow Dental Care will monitor your safety closely and will make sure that you're resting comfortably.
Before you know it, your appointment will be over, your dental problems will be resolved, and you’ll be able to smile with confidence.